The Government and their employees must serve the people not their own ambitions. Our mission is to educate, engage and empower the people of the United States to be able to elect and keep all elected officials accountable to values that will bring life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in a dignified manner.
Please contribute your time, talent and resources to help us elect people into National Government that will honor those values.
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The key difference between a democracy and a republic lies in the limits placed on the government by the law. Both forms of government use a representational system where citizens vote to elect politicians to represent their interests and the form of government.
CONSERVATIVE AND LIBERAL VALUES DEFINITIONS: The purpose of our Federal Government, as found in the Constitution is to establish Justice, Insure Domestic Tranquility, provide for the Common Defense, promote General Welfare and secure Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity.
> Fight Against Full Term Abortion
> Get People to Support All First Responders and Military Service Members
> Force Congress to serve US Citizens - NOT their own Ambitions
> Force Congress to pass immigration policy that is good for the US and immigrants
> Pray For The Peace of Israel and the United States Daily
Rally management is crucial and very important in Elections, a Candidate’s chances to win an election majorly depends on it.
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We provide you with the knowledge combining an overview of the standard conceptual approaches to election marketing & communication with the people of government, while maintaining a focus on current ongoing event marketplace practice.
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Leading Latino Pastor's Support for Trump on Border Goes Unreported
Texas Pastor Ramiro Peña has been one of Donald Trump’s most prominent Hispanic evangelical supporters and advisors since the 2016 presidential campaign.
However, the nation’s top broadcast television networks, in English and Spanish, have consistently ignored Pastor Peña and his significant role advising the President, including during the current crisis over U.S. border security.
If you’re a voting-eligible American and you’ve never been registered to vote, or if you’ve moved since you last registered to vote, it’s easy to submit or update your voter registration!
If you’re a voting-eligible American and you’ve never been registered to vote, or if you’ve moved since you last registered to vote, it’s easy to submit or update your voter registration!